Preproduction 0891GT versus S1 PF coupe

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Re: Preproduction 0891GT versus S1 PF coupe

Post by 250GT »

kare wrote:SWB is a fake by Hugenholtz using Lusso chassis 5057 restamped into 2687. Owner at that time might have been Theo Melcher.

That could be the explanation he could NOT catch me up during the days
The toilets are clean and there is no waitingline at the buffet.
after that 100 cars or 200 people come in
I love that silances before the storm
the FIRST 45 were prewar, no problem for the PF.

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Re: Preproduction 0891GT versus S1 PF coupe

Post by carello »

250GT wrote:
carello wrote:This thread is just wonderful! Thank you for taking the time to post.
What are Tribeti lights? I would like to learn more about this.
I really like the period photos.
Craig I do actual know very less about this old lampproducer. You can find them from 1950 till 1956 on all Italien cars . Fron Osca till MaseratI on Ferrari TR ,TDF Europa Vignale etc. as always some pics, C.
Thank you C.
I have not been paying attention to these earlier lights. Triberti is a new one for me. The education is appreciated.
John Vardanian
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Re: Preproduction 0891GT versus S1 PF coupe

Post by John Vardanian »

250GT wrote:Here a better overview of La Grande Arche .
before the questions are coming :
those long leg sunglasses was my co- pilot(in).

Cornelis, very important question for you... how does an old coot like you get a copilot like that?

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Re: Preproduction 0891GT versus S1 PF coupe

Post by 250GT »

NO,NO John ,that was not a kinda like Ruby- Berlusconi case (bunga, bunga )
Co- pilot was 21.
I was 11 years older in 1991....... 20 years ago

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Re: Preproduction 0891GT versus S1 PF coupe

Post by 250GT »

carello wrote:
250GT wrote:
carello wrote:This thread is just wonderful! Thank you for taking the time to post.
What are Tribeti lights? I would like to learn more about this.
I really like the period photos.
Craig I do actual know very less about this old lampproducer. You can find them from 1950 till 1956 on all Italien cars . Fron Osca till MaseratI on Ferrari TR ,TDF Europa Vignale etc. as always some pics, C.
Thank you C.
I have not been paying attention to these earlier lights. Triberti is a new one for me. The education is appreciated.

For Craig 's eyes only
These are 55 year old and unrestaurated.
body is messing, only bracket is out of steel
Very high quality.

triberti.jpg (38.72 KiB) Viewed 38098 times
triberti 1.jpg
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Re: Preproduction 0891GT versus S1 PF coupe

Post by 250GT »

Last thing I can show of 0891GT.
from the PF foto cataloque 1958.
Car didnot have brakes fitted on these pics you can clearly see through the spokes.
So this was before its was at the Milano showroom pics (9)
Where is it today?
the fisrt owner was in the US. see
but often wrong info there.
that would implicate it was supplied with US features.

No !6 inch dumms
No !6 inch dumms
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Re: Preproduction 0891GT versus S1 PF coupe

Post by B24Spider »

Pardon my commentary from the peanut gallery, without introduction.

When Cornelius is referring to messing, he's not talking about how clean you work. It's German for brass.

And if I may, in regards to his assumption re the advent of the self-canceling column turn signal switch, Lancia used them in the Flaminia Berlinas starting in 1957. I don't know if that was the first use, though.

You can guess my bias.

Love that dealership with all the artwork on the walls.

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Re: Preproduction 0891GT versus S1 PF coupe

Post by 250GT »

B24Spider wrote:Pardon my commentary from the peanut gallery, without introduction.

When Cornelius is referring to messing, he's not talking about how clean you work. It's German for brass.

And if I may, in regards to his assumption re the advent of the self-canceling column turn signal switch, Lancia used them in the Flaminia Berlinas starting in 1957. I don't know if that was the first use, though.

You can guess my bias.

Love that dealership with all the artwork on the walls.

Thanks Steve welcome on TY
You are probebly right with that switch.
Lancia and Maserati were always ahead with introducing new things.
When I say it was probebly the first, its always referred to Ferraris.
Boano and Europa dont use this.
We alL know the old Enzo statement ,
A horse should be place in front of the carriage not behind.
That statement didnot servive long.
But they were even more relyable
and didnot have so much DNF.

